Agriculture, California’s leading industry, exemplifies the free market at work.
The California Republican Party recognizes that agriculture is one of California’s leading industries and is, therefore, essential to the future of California’s economy and the health and well-being of its citizens.
Government should create a favorable policy environment supportive of California’s farmers and ranchers, maximizing their ability to receive the reward for the risks they take year after year while strengthening their ability to provide quality products at reasonable costs to consumers. California’s approach, rather, has been one beset by over-regulation, environmental extremism, and restricted access to water, the agricultural sector’s lifeblood.
The California Republican Party supports current efforts to increase the amount of water available for agriculture, and we support the construction of water delivery systems to bring water to the Bay Area, Central Valley and Southern California in an environmentally responsible manner, while protecting water rights in, and supporting the agriculture and communities of, Northern California and the Delta.
We support making cuts in wasteful state government spending in order to support state infrastructure investment in above-ground storage using general fund dollars. We oppose additional bonded indebtedness.