Our volunteer army works in three ways.

First, if you are a registered voter, you can download and print petitions, then you can personally sign them and return them to a receiving center in your county.

If you want to do more, then you can download and print many petitions, and offer them to other registered voters to sign, then you can return all of those to a receiving center in your county.

Finally, it is a great help if you decide to be one of our volunteers who will verify petitions that have been signed, to verify that voters have only signed a petition one time, that they were registered voters, and that the petition was printed and filled out correctly. To do this, you have to go to one of our county collection centers and work with signed petitions that have been received.

How to Print and Sign Petitions

Petitions are available as downloadable PDF files. They must be printed using black ink on white paper. Be sure your ink cartridge is fresh and your printer is in good condition. It is VERY important that you use 8.5″ x 14″ legal paper. Petitions will not be accepted unless these conditions are met. Watch video for further details – for every registered voter who has signed a petition, that voter’s address, signature, date and county must all be entered correctly for that petition to be successfully verified.


How to Circulate Petitions

Once you’ve printed initiative petitions, you are ready to circulate them for other registered voters to sign. This video will show you how to collect signatures and sign as a witness. It will suggest where you can go safely and legally to set up tables to gather signatures. Be sure to watch this video in order to maximize the probability that every one of the signed petitions you gather will be accepted towards qualifying a Unify California initiative.


How to Verify Petitions

One of the most important steps in qualifying a ballot initiative is verifying that signed petitions are properly filled out, and that each signer is in fact a registered voter in the county in which they’ve signed the petition. This video takes you step by step through that process. Once you have viewed this video, you are encouraged to contact the Unify California team leader in your county to participate in the vital task of signature verification.